Here’s what released this week:
1) Document Upload Status Tracking

Some customers bulk import session notes into Brellium.
Previously, it was hard to keep track of what was imported and when the import was complete.
So, we added Upload Status Tracking to your documents page. You can now see a detailed view of every Brellium upload, to make sure everything is correct.
2) Response Overrides

Sometimes, Brellium flags a requirement that you no longer want to be flagged.
Let’s say a provider missed referencing a treatment goal in the note’s narrative, but you feel comfortable with the provider’s documentation and want to override Brellium’s recommendation.
You can now double-click on the outputted answer or context to override responses.
The audit score auto-recalculates, so you can get to the next audit quickly.
3) Build Custom “If, Then” Workflows

You can now build completely custom workflows into Brellium, triggered by customizable errors.
Example workflows Brellium customers have already built out:
If note was copy-and-pasted, send provider a notification at the end of the week with a list the week’s copy-and-pasted notes and an explanation of why it’s important to avoid this in the future
For notes that score above a 95%, send an aggregate feedback notification at the end of the month
For critical error notes, send an immediate notification email to provider & supervisor explaining how to fix the error & deadline for completion
Get started: Download
Happy Tuesday!
-Team Brellium