

Who We Serve


Verify OIG, OFAC, and state Medicaid exclusion automatically

Verify OIG, OFAC, and state Medicaid exclusion automatically

Automatically screen state and federal exclusion lists

Automatically screen state and federal exclusion lists

Eliminate false positives

Eliminate false positives

Easy set-and-forget setup, across your company

Easy set-and-forget setup, across your company

Fill out the form to get started

Fill out the form to get started

Verify OIG, OFAC, and state Medicaid exclusion automatically

Automatically screen state and federal exclusion lists

Automatically screen state and federal exclusion lists

Eliminate false positives

Eliminate false positives

Easy set-and-forget setup, across your company

Easy set-and-forget setup, across your company

Join 100,000+ providers, quality leaders, owners, and executives using Brellium

Join 100,000+ providers, quality leaders, owners, and executives using Brellium

Automatically verify all employees are in compliance with state & federal sanction lists

Automatically verify all employees are in compliance with state & federal sanction lists

Ensure your business is protected against bad actors and is in compliance with state and federal regulations. Automatically.

Centralize all clinical and payor compliance into one system

Centralize all clinical and payor compliance into one system

Eliminate the need for tracking clinical & payor compliance across numerous products. Centralize all in one to ensure nothing slips through the cracks, and risk is mitigated.

Brellium runs in the background. You get notified of issues that need your attention

Brellium runs in the background. You get notified of issues that need your attention

Set up once, then Brellium runs in the background forever. No ongoing maintenance required. Simple API tracks employee on and off-boardings.

Request a demo to get started

Request a demo to get started

Clinical & payor compliance all in one place

AI-Automated Chart Review

Measure, maintain, and improve clinical and payor compliance across every patient visit.

Explore AI chart review


Genie Analytics

Analyze unstructured data across every patient visit.

Explore genie analytics


Incident Reporting

Automate workflows for non-compliant prescriptions, supervision, and more.

Explore incident reports


Audit Shepherd

Easily & compliantly respond to payor audits.

Explore audit shepherd


Clinical & payor compliance all in one place

AI-Automated Chart Review

Measure, maintain, and improve clinical and payor compliance across every patient visit.

Explore AI chart review


Genie Analytics

Analyze unstructured data across every patient visit.

Explore genie analytics


Incident Reporting

Automate workflows for non-compliant prescriptions, supervision, and more.

Explore incident reports


Audit Shepherd

Easily & compliantly respond to payor audits.

Explore audit shepherd


Clinical & payor compliance all in one place

AI-Automated Chart Review

Measure, maintain, and improve clinical and payor compliance across every patient visit.

Explore AI chart review


Genie Analytics

Analyze unstructured data across every patient visit.

Explore genie analytics


Incident Reporting

Automate workflows for non-compliant prescriptions, supervision, and more.

Explore incident reports


Audit Shepherd

Easily & compliantly respond to payor audits.

Explore audit shepherd


Automate clinical & payor compliance


4.8 Star Rating

Automate clinical & payor compliance


4.8 Star Rating

Automate clinical & payor compliance


4.8 Star Rating