Brellium automatically audits your charts based on your custom requirements, tells you which charts need to be fixed, and exactly how to fix them. If a payer claws back for a requirement we approved, we foot the bill.
Chart reviews are 90% admin and 10% improving quality. For clinics using Brellium, it’s the other way around. Let your team to spend more time improving quality of care and less time combing through charts one by one.
Audit all of your charts for 2% of the cost of a manual auditor. With Brellium, you get confidence coverage, automatic quality review, and real-time reporting for a fraction of the cost.
Medical chart data is full of important patient and provider information, but getting to that data is no easy task. With Brellium Analytics, you can easily pull and display any data points from your charts, in any format that suits your needs.