Ringing in the holiday season with more updates from the past week.
1) Catch Every Timesheet Error
Your providers work hard.
Sometimes, they make mistakes. We’re here as a safety net.
Brellium now can automatically make sure every timesheet has the right note attached.
So, you can get claims out the door quicker, knowing that your timesheets are correct.
2) Decreased Pricing

Our engineering team made a breakthrough that’s decreased our GPU (fancy computer) costs by a bunch. So we’re passing that on to you.
If you’re a bigger organization, your costs just went down a ton. We’re grandfathering every existing customer into the lower rates too :)
3) Auto-BAA

Reviewing and signing BAA’s is tedious.
But, it’s necessary for every vendor you work with.
So, we’ve added an industry-standard BAA to our terms of service by default.
Meaning, you’re automatically covered under a BAA, without having to go through the legal hassle.
Little things add up!
4) Appreciate Your Team for Their Hard Work

We’ve added more data tracking to Brellium. Watch that “Perfect Charts” number grow and grow!
Happy Monday!
-Team Brellium