Happy post Thanksgiving! Updates, updates, and more updates!
Many of you have referred us to your friends. We’re thankful for it. So, we’re spicing things up with:
Give $500, Get $500
When you refer a company who joins Brellium, you get $500 and they do too. They’ll also save a ton of time and $$ on chart review :)
Just in time for the holidays!
P.S.—it takes <30 seconds!
Use Your Data, Your Way

Healthcare software companies love to make it hard for you to access your own data. We think that’s wrong.
You can now easily export your results to the data platform of your choice, in 2 clicks.
Filters, Filters, Filters

Sometimes, you need to look at a specific subset of charts. Maybe it’s billing day and you want a quick look at the backlog. Or, it’s feedback season and you want to quickly give your team’s all-stars a pat on the back.
So, we added filtering across all of your charts, providers, scores, and statuses.
Happy Wednesday!
-Team Brellium