AI-Automated Session Note Auditing for ABA
Instantly detect and fix session note errors including
97153 / 97155 incongruence
Note cloning
Subjective language
Note signing 24+ hours after patient visit
And hundreds more!
AI-Automated Session Note Auditing for ABA
Instantly detect and fix session note errors including
97153 / 97155 incongruence
Note cloning
Subjective language
Note signing 24+ hours after patient visit
And hundreds more!
AI-Automated Session Note Auditing for ABA
Instantly detect and fix session note errors including
97153 / 97155 incongruence
Note cloning
Subjective language
Note signing 24+ hours after patient visit
And hundreds more!
Reduce Costs
Better compliance for a fraction of the cost
Brellium instantly reviews 100% of your charts on your custom clinical + billing standards, then notifies your team of what to fix.
Review session notes 13.3X faster
Decrease session note review costs by 98%
HIPAA, SOC 2, and GDPR compliant
Reduce Costs
Better compliance for a fraction of the cost
Brellium instantly reviews 100% of your charts on your custom clinical + billing standards, then notifies your team of what to fix.
Review session notes 13.3X faster
Decrease session note review costs by 98%
HIPAA, SOC 2, and GDPR compliant
Reduce Costs
Better compliance for a fraction of the cost
Brellium instantly reviews 100% of your charts on your custom clinical + billing standards, then notifies your team of what to fix.
Review session notes 13.3X faster
Decrease session note review costs by 98%
HIPAA, SOC 2, and GDPR compliant
"We used to take up to 3 months to give our providers feedback on
documentation. With Brellium, they get feedback instantly."
-Founder @ Telehealth Clinic
Simplify Compliance
Spend your team's time where it matters most
Quickly fix your most costly errors, instead of hunting to find them.
Automatically send emails to providers to fix errors
Paste in your existing audit criteria
Connects with your EHR, or easy export
Simplify Compliance
Spend your team's time where it matters most
Brellium’s HIPAA compliant platform lets you upload your custom chart. Your team then spends their time on just the flagged notes.
Automatically send emails to providers to fix errors
Paste in your existing audit criteria
Connects with your EHR, or easy export
Simplify Compliance
Spend your team's time where it matters most
Brellium’s HIPAA compliant platform lets you upload your custom chart. Your team then spends their time on just the flagged notes.
Automatically send emails to providers to fix errors
Paste in your existing audit criteria
Connects with your EHR, or easy export
Clawback Protection
Protect yourself against clawbacks
Documentation mistakes open you up to clawbacks months and years down the line. Brellium makes sure every chart meets your clinical + billing standards, so you can sleep well at night.
Clawback Protection
Protect yourself against clawbacks
Documentation mistakes open you up to clawbacks months and years down the line. Brellium makes sure every chart meets your clinical + billing standards, so you can sleep well at night.
Clawback Protection
Protect yourself against clawbacks
Documentation mistakes open you up to clawbacks months and years down the line. Brellium makes sure every chart meets your clinical + billing standards, so you can sleep well at night.
"We used to take up to 3 months to give our providers feedback on
documentation. With Brellium, they get feedback instantly."
-Founder @ Telehealth Clinic
Turn chart data into actionable insights
Medical chart data is full of important patient and provider information, but getting to that data is no easy task. With Brellium Analytics, you can easily pull and display any data points from your charts, in any format that suits your needs.
See progress on client goals
Goal completion by session location
Fully customizable reports
Turn chart data into actionable insights
Medical chart data is full of important patient and provider information, but getting to that data is no easy task. With Brellium Analytics, you can easily pull and display any data points from your charts, in any format that suits your needs.
See progress on client goals
Goal completion by session location
Fully customizable reports
Turn chart data into actionable insights
Medical chart data is full of important patient and provider information, but getting to that data is no easy task. With Brellium Analytics, you can easily pull and display any data points from your charts, in any format that suits your needs.
See progress on client goals
Goal completion by session location
Fully customizable reports
How Compass ABA Improved Audit Readiness with AI
Learn how Compass ABA achieved over 70% time savings on session note auditing.
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How Refocus Behavior Used AI to Double Their Billing Team's Productivity
Refocus Behavior leveraged AI to free up an entire workday out of their billing department's schedule.
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