Let’s get right to the exciting stuff..
1) Critical Error Notifications
Your providers care for thousands of patients every month. Sometimes they make mistakes. We’re all human, it happens.
But some of those mistakes make you lose more sleep than others, like…
Observing suicidal ideation without escalating to their clinical lead
Prescribing conflicting medication without documented justification
Prescribing anti psychotics without proper supporting diagnosis
Previously, you had to rely on providers being on top of it 100% of the time.
It’s hard to be perfect.
So we shipped a feature that sends you and your provider a notification immediately when we find a critical error.
So you can sleep better at night. 😴
2) Faster Improvements in Sandbox

Translating your current screening template —> Brellium can be tricky.
Your team knows exactly what they’re screening for—they’re trained pro’s.
On the first try, Brellium’s AI sometimes needs more info than “Was the proper data included in the session note?”
So, we shipped a feature that lets you give Brellium’s AI feedback in 2 clicks. Meaning your screening get even better, even faster.
3) Free Trial
On the fence about automating your note auditing?
Brellium now has a free trial. No credit card required.
Kick yours off here.
That’s all for this week!
-Team Brellium