Let’s get right into this week’s updates!
1) 2-Click Chart Remediation

Your providers care for thousands of patients every month. Sometimes they make mistakes. We’re all human, it happens.
Your team reviews charts to keep an eye on things. But, what happens when there’s a chart that needs fixing?
Get chart ID
Send provider text/email/snail mail/carrier pigeon with the error and chart ID
Wait + hope that provider makes the fix
Rinse and repeat
This takes 15 minutes per chart. 15 minutes x lots of charts = 🤯
So, we shipped a feature that lets you instantly notify providers with custom remediation in 2 clicks.
When your provider resubmits their note, we immediately rescreen, then give you the green light to submit to billing.
2) Zoom Through Your Manual Reviews

Sometimes, your operations team can fix a chart error we’ve flagged. Other times, it has to be your provider.
Either way, it’s slow and clunky.
So, we added a new feature that lets you toggle through errored charts, just looking at the errors that need fixing. Meaning, you can now sprint through your manual fixes in a fraction of the time.
Happy Friday!
-Team Brellium