Here’s what released this week:
1) Faster Auditing

Brellium now just shows the errors you need to fix.
Meaning you need to look at less data in flagged charts.
And can get through chart review even quicker.
2) Faster Timesheets

Brellium’s timesheets tab now lets you set custom rules to run all of your timesheets against.
Meaning, you instantly know which sessions can be billed same-day.
And which timesheets have errors like:
Missing session notes
Overlapping sessions
Mismatched places of service
“If payer is XXX, flag timesheets that match YYY”
3) Feedback Notifications
Sometimes, you have a feature request or a question tweak that you ask our engineering team for.
It’s important to know when your requests are filled.
So, we rolled out email notifications for your requests & tweaks.
Now, every time your request is filled you’ll get an email notification.
Happy Monday!
-Team Brellium